As part of the periodic information meeting, on 25 April a meeting with dr Agelo Rella took place at AMC Art Medical Center. Angelo Rella from Bari has been working at the University of Szczecin since 2001. He was awarded the Ambassador of Szczecin title in 2006 in recognition for his long term activity in building the foundations for scientific cooperation between Szczecin University and Bari University
From left to right: Szymon Kreft ( AMC Art Medical Center President of the Management Board), Zbigniew Radecki (AMC Art Medical Center shareholder), Emilia Szydłowska (Country Manager EQA Poland), dr Artur Śliwiński (AMC Art Medical Center Vice-president of the Management Board, Medical Director), Massimo Rapetto (Group Advisory EQA Partners ltd), dr Angelo Rella (Honorary Ambassador of Szczecin).